Companies run into short term and long term issues that overall cost the company if RoofSmart Pads are not in use on jobsites.
Short Term Loss of Profit:
Solar Installation on Concrete or Clay Tile Roofs creates 50-200 broken tiles due to the amount of weight that gets transported on the roofs and the fragility of the tiles.
Cost in Labor & Material to Repair/ Replace Broken Tile includes:
- Locating correct tile (style and color)
- Order the new tile (time delay)
- Remove Damaged tile
- Repair underlayment
- Correctly reinstall tile
Cost: Typically between $500- $1,500 per job
10 jobs a year = $5,000 - 15,000
20 jobs a year = $10,000 - $30,000
30-50 jobs a year = M*T#$RF!@K*R
Cost: Customer Dissatisfaction, Loss of Referrals
Purchase 12 Pack RoofSmart Pads
Cost: $1,985.00
Pads last 5+ Years
Solar Installation on Raised Metal Seam Roofs causes scuffing, scarring, dent metal due to the amount of weight that gets transported on the roofs and the amount of foot traffic on a specific panel.
Correction:There are no corrections.
Cost - Discount Job $500-$1,000
Cost: Customer Dissatisfaction, Loss of Referrals
Purchase 12 Pack RoofSmart Pads
Cost: $1,985.00
Pads last 5+ Years
Gutter Dent Damage from Ladders
Correction:Replace Gutter
Cost: In Labor & Materials to Replace includes locating correct gutter (style and color), remove damaged gutter, and install new gutter
Cost: Typically $300-500 per job
Cost: Customer Dissatisfaction, Loss of Referrals
Purchase 2 RoofSmart Pads and Ladder Brace
Cost: $350.00
Pads and Brace last 5+ Years
Long Term Loss of Profit:
Solar Installation on Concrete or Clay Tile Roofs creates 50-200 broken tiles due to the amount of weight that gets transported on the roofs and the fragility of the tiles.
NOTE- You Removed & Replaced 50-200 broken tiles BUT NOW there is leaking in the areas you replaced tiles 1-3 years later.
Now you have to reroof areas of the roof and repair interior damage
Cost: $5,000 - $20,000+
Cost: Customer Dissatisfaction, Loss of Referrals
Purchase 12 Pack RoofSmart Pads
Cost: $1,985.00
Pads last 5+ Years